Corporate Catering Specialists

Serving SE Pennsylvania & Central New Jersey

We strive to meet as many, if not all, of our customers requests for that important meeting or special event.

Our menu serves only as an example of the array of cuisine styles to our discerning clientele.

Our chefs are constantly creating new favorites, renovating old ones, as well as customizing items and menus to satisfy your various needs, palates and specifications.

Breakfast Catering - The Boardroom Breakfast
Breakfast Catering - Yogurt parfait for your meeting!
Catering sides & salads - chilled sides
Deli Catering - Assorted sandwich / wrap tray
Breakfast Catering - Deluxe breakfast bar

A bouquet of fine catering

Some suggestions from our menu:

All of the following preparations are merely suggestions. If you have a preference that you don’t see, tell us!